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How To Brew With Aeropress

The AeroPress is ideal for any coffee lover looking for a rich and smooth cup of coffee without acidity or bitterness. Brews one to three delicious cups of American or espresso style coffee in about a minute, and clean up takes only a few seconds. It’s a great addition to any kitchen but since it is durable, lightweight, and compact, the AeroPress also makes the perfect companion when traveling, camping, or just going to work.

See our guide below, on how-to make the perfect brew with Aeropress.

  1. Boil filtered water, enough to make 2/3 cups.

  2. Place your filter paper into the filter cap chamber & screw into the bottom.

  3. If using a flow control cap, screw this onto the bottom of the Aeropress.

  4. Place the plunger into the main AeroPress Chamber just above the #4 mark, then place the AeroPress upside down on a flat surface.

  5. Add one levelled off scoop of Coffee (Scoop provided with your AeroPress maker), or 15g of medium course grind Filter Coffee into the AeroPress chamber top.

  6. Slowly pour 250g of water or until nearly full of the boiled water in a circular motion into the open end of the AeroPress.

  7. Slowly agitate & stir the water through the coffee with the provided stirrer (Refer to video above for visual reference).

  8. Let the Coffee brew for 2 mins.

  9. Do a little dance.

  10. Grab your mug & place it over the filter cap, then flip the device upside down so the mug is now on a flat surface

  11. Press down slowly & evenly until you hear the release of air. Be sure not to force the pressure down too hard or fast.

  12. Enjoy your brew!

  13. For a sustainable end use, use your Coffee grounds as compost in the garden, your plants will thank you.


Items used in reference:



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