05m Prep I 1 Serving Per Glass
Think of this Summer Delight as an Affogato, with a twist. This treat is the perfect after meal moment, with a zingy addition for that little extra flavour addition.
Affogato has always been a favourite of mine from a very young age. My earliest memories having this delight, were from going to see my grandparents on a nice warm day & always being enticed with the perfect after meal sweet treat - Affogato.
Time passes, but nostalgia never dies.
During one of my nostalgic memory journey's, I began thinking of ways to turn this childhood classic, into an adults dream. Many test pieces were done, before landing here (Maybe one day it'll end up as a funny bts) ultimately i landed on alcohol, and what better way than to add a little liqueur to spice it up!
And so here it is, my Affogato with Cointreau & toasted crushed Peanuts.
What You'll Need
1 Litre - Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream
1/2 Cup - Freshly Brewed Coffee.
We used the below:
2 tbs - Cointreau
1/2 Cup - Peanuts
A food processor for the Peanuts
How It's Done
Gather all ingredients, and ensure your pan is warmed ready for the Peanuts to be toasted.
Toast your Peanuts, stirring & tossing as you go to ensure even toasting. 3-5 minutes will be enough to ensure they are heated well. You'll know they are ready once a toasted brown colour forms. Take them off from the heat, and turn off the stove.
Grab your food processor and lightly pulse your Peanuts. Just enough to form a crumb like texture. 1-3 pulses is enough.
Grab your ice-cream & scoop in 3 generous servings. Don't worry about sizes or perfection, this treat loves that rustic look & feel.
Pour your Cointreau on top & give your Affogato a little stir. Not too much to make it smooth, but enough to ensure your flavours have reached every area of the glass.
Sprinkly yout Peanuts on top & serve!
Enjoy this smooth, zingy summers day treat & be sure to give us your feedback.
Photo Credit: Arieyl Koithra